Mrs F’s


Mrs F’s Packaging

by | Sep 28, 2023 | Mrs F's Workshop | 0 comments

Mrs F's custom packaging
Something in life that Mrs F and I weren’t to impressed with was the packaging we received purchased products in.

We didn’t like that it was so plastic based, usually needing an engineering workshops worth of tools just to get into.

So after some investigation of options available to us, we came to the decision that for now we will make the packaging ourselves. It won’t be any cheaper, but we are getting the packaging we like.

Mrs F was fairly insistent that the packaging is recyclable as much as reasonably practicable. She also wanted it to be easy to get into, protect the product during transport. She didn’t really ask it, but I think she also wanted it to suit her brand.

We tried a few different cardboard thicknesses, from a few different local suppliers. I had fun coming up with the box designs. Who would have though making a cardboard box would be so involved.

We also designed and now have our own bio degradable zip lock bags for soft good such as Mrs F’s Signature Statement Tee.

Its all happening so standby for more.


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