Its been a hectic few weeks

Its been a hectic few weeks

So I have learned that a small business of any kind has many many small parts. With most of the processes very dry and mind numbing. I am however extremely fortunate that my sidekick has skills and is building an awesome website. It is crazy all the small details that...
product photography, lesson learnt.

product photography, lesson learnt.

The learning curve with product photography, more precisely photographing engraved glass. Sounds simple, soft lighting and nice back boards. Noooooooooo so very wrong. What I thought would be a 15 minute session, just set up, snap and done. How about endless shouting...
Creating a brand for pure enjoyment

Creating a brand for pure enjoyment

Creating a brand for pure enjoyment is really fun to explore. Blank page to something, is really cool! And to capture feelings and emotions. Creating something meaningful. Then seeing the joy on someone’s face, is priceless. Definitly don’t hesitate to get...
Furry Lizzy

Furry Lizzy

Furry Lizzy and myself are becoming quite good friends. So much fun learning what she can do with woods, plastics and glass. Using tools like the spray gun to help create interesting finishes, it’s all very exciting. This is all still very new and I have so much...